It is with great sadness that we announce that Jeff Roberts passed away on Friday 24th January.
Jeff’s Scouting career began with 6th Crosby at Christ Church Waterloo in 1945 when he joined as a Wolf Cub. He became the Scout Leader in 1958 and Group Scout Leader in 1967.
Jeff was the lynchpin of 9th Ormskirk for nearly 40 years, starting by helping the Cub Football Team in 1985 after his son, Philip, joined Cubs. He then became Cub Leader, Scout Leader and Group Scout Leader and held roles within the District. After passing the mantle to his daughter, Annette, Jeff continued to attend weekly Cub meetings and serve on the Group Executive Committee, latterly in the role of Treasurer.
In 2021 Jeff was awarded the Silver Wolf, the highest honour in Scouting, which was richly deserved.
Our thoughts and prayers go to his wife Ann and the whole family. In the words of his son-in-law:
RIP Skip.
A life in Scouting
6th Crosby (96th Liverpool)
- 1945: Invested as a Cub
- 1955: Queens Scout Award
- September 1955: National Service (2 years allowed to count as Scouting service)
- September 1957: Demobbed
- 04 October 1957: Lead First Scout meeting (see Record book)
- October 1958: Registered as Scout Master
- 1967 – Nov 1969: Group Scout Master
- May 1969 – Nov 1977: Group Scout Leader
9th Ormskirk (3rd Aughton)
- 1984: Cub Football manager 9th Ormskirk
- 1985 – 1989: Cub Leader
- 1989 – 2007: Group Leader
- 2007 – 2012: Group Manager
- 2012 – 2018: Assistant Group Scout Leader
- 2018 – 2024: Group Chair/Sectary Assistant
- 2024 – 2025: Honorary President of 9th Ormskirk
Tributes To Skip
Below are thoughts and memories from just a few of the people whose lives Jeff touched
Skip invested me into cubs in February 2008. Skip was a fantastic gentleman, who always took pride in scouting and scouting values. He always made sure to instill them into all of his cubs (and leaders!). It was great to then work alongside skip when I became a leader myself, learning a lot from him. I hope we can all make him proud and carry on his legacy as leaders ❤️
Sam – Assistant Cub Scout Leader
Skip liked a tidy Scout HQ
Skip never let our hut become untidy, made the Cubs clean up their mess before they’re allowed a game. Even made some do it while playing an activity, I think white and yellow six lost a few games just because Skip told them they made a mess!
Beth – Assistant Scout Leader
We could never use glitter as he would never forgive us for the mess it made!
Lesley – Akela
Skip loved camp but did insist on some essentials…
At camp when he arrived always had to have the kettle on for his brew. Also loved his dark chocolate with orange & ginger.
Lesley – Akela
Oh and he was notorious for his milky brews. Couldn’t have a Cub or Scout night without one!
Beth – Assistant Scout Leader
Skip was always patient with the Scouts, but if he started a sentence with ‘Oi’, you knew it was time to stop messing around and start listening!
Tim – Assistant Scout Leader